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The Balkans and migration: on the crossroad of anthropological perspectives

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The collective monograph Balkans and migration includes five chapters written by anthropologically oriented researchers (L. Budilová, G.

Fatková, L. Hanus, M.

Jakoubek, M. Pavlásek) practicing a long-term research in the Balkan territory.

In addition to general parameters of anthropological optics and an anthropological field research in the Balkans those particular studies are connected by study transversal theme of migration. While, however, the Balkans and anthropology in the publication are invariant framework guaranteeing the unity of the whole volume, the migration represent in this respect the constant variable.

The given phenomenon is studied in case of various groups (Bulgarian and Romanian Czechs, Karakachans), and we can observe some aspects of its heterogeneous nature (post-war migration within the re-emigrant interstate agreements, seasonal labor migration, migration of farmers for the land, leaving the homeland because of religious disputes, etc.).