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The use of micropulse laser in patients with diabetic macular edema at the department of ophthalmology, faculty hospital Hradec Králové

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The paper describes the results of diabetic macular edema (DME) therapy with a micropulse laser with a wavelength of 577 nm. DME is the most common cause of decreased vision in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).

A group of 63 eyes were observed for more than 1 year. Most patients had first type of diabetes mellitus (36), 3 patients had type 1.

The mean value of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the group was 66.8 mmol/mol, max. value was 100 mmol/mol. At the end of the annual follow-up period, we documented the improvement of the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) by at least 5 letters of ETDRS optotype in 20 eyes and stabilization in 25 eyes (45 eyes, 71% of the set).

In 18 eyes there was a decrease in BCVA by more than 5 letters of ETDRS optotypes. In the monitored period of one year, we also found that, on average, the BCVA fell from an input of 62 letters to 61.1 letters (p> 0.05).

After one year, the central retinal thickness (CRT) decreased by 63 μm in diameter from 442 μm to 379 μm (p = 0.0124). In our study, after an annual evaluation, we have shown almost 3/4 of the total number of eyes to improve and stabilize NKZO in patients with DME treated with a micropulse laser.

A statistically significant decrease in macular edema was achieved in all eyes of the monitored set. The results confirm the stabilization of the finding after laser treatment.