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Stereotypes and legitimization of social stratification

Publication at Faculty of Education, Faculty of Arts |


The monograph consists of thirteen chapters, each of which informs about a way stereotypes legitimize social stratification in Czech society. Two main hypotheses were derived and tested: (1) Respondents will infer abilities and industriousness of typical members of different social categories from status of the categories. (2) In the case of status inconsistency, abilities and industriousness which will be ascribed to members of a category will be in accordance with the prestige of the category, not with its wealth.

According to it Czech respondents will ascribe to their own category more positive attributes if a list of categories will include only Czech and Roma people than when it will include also some categories which are more positively evaluated than Czechs. According to it when using IAT (Implicit Association Test), where there are compared two categories, we will ascertain a more profound difference between attitudes to Czech and Roma people than when using BFP (Bona Fide Pipeline), in which there is no such a comparison.