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Da'at tvunot - Perceiving Knowledge of Rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzatto

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzatto [1707-1746 (also known as RaMHaL or RaMCHaL)] is one of the greatest and most respected Jewish thinkers. The core of the publication Da'at tvunot - Perceiving Knowledge of Rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzatto lies in translation of Luzzatto's treatise Da'at tvunot (finished in 1734) which is written as a dialogue between soul and Reason.

Da'at tvunot represents one of the peaks of the Jewish traditional literature. I have tried to clarify RaMHaL's way of thinking (using the system of comprehensive and detailed footnotes which takes into account religious, historic and even personal background of rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzatto's specific approach).

The bulk of the text is preceded by an essay entitled Rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzatto (1707-1746). This essay offers some insights to RaMHAL's life, his eschatological fervor, messianic self-awareness and following scandal resulting in a strange and exhausting persecution of Luzzatto.

A reader can access to other writings of RaMHaL via extensive quotations and references also. Then there is a part entitled Unity in Versatility which focuses on the Da'at tvunot itself and some very unique characteristics of this profound treatise.