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Chapter 19 - Reclamation of Forest Ecosystems in Postmining Sites in the Czech Republic and Its Comparison With Unassisted Ecosystem Development

Publication at Faculty of Science |


When we evaluate efficiency of individual restoration measures we usually compare individual restoration treatments or compare them with initial state or similar ecosystem in surrounding landscape. In this contribution I argue that sensible way to show added value of restoration measure is to compare individual parameters in reclaimed sites with unassisted ecosystem development.

In this chapter, it described a case study of ecosystem development in Sokolov postmining district (Czech Republic) where various reclamation approaches are compared with spontaneous succession of the postmining sites. In suitable substrates the succession is driven mainly by site topography.

In sites, which were leveled, grassy vegetation develops. In sites where original wavelike topography was preserved the ecosystem develops toward forest.

In forest sites the development on most ecosystem parameters in succession sites is little bit slower in comparison with reclaimed plantation during first 15-20 years. However, in older sites differences disappear.