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Highly dangerous infections

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The book deals with the issue of highly dangerous diseases in the conditions of the Czech Republic. It defines the issue of highly dangerous diseases (VNN), predominantly focusing on IUU with inter-human transmission, respectively. with the potential for inter-human transmission.

Described is the current state and possibilities in the Czech Republic. Examples of HNV occurrence and characteristics of selected diseases are also described, as well as systems of solutions for the occurrence of HNV in the Czech Republic and a view of their solutions from different levels of the system (eg epidemiologist, medical facility, VNN in Bulovka, AČR - Těchonín).

Laboratory diagnostics and current vaccination options are also mentioned as a significant preventive measure. Last but not least, the link with the issue of bioterrorism will be outlined.

The current topic is the issue of HNV risk in the migration of the population. Similarly published publications are still missing in our medical literature.

The book is intended for medical professionals who deal with high-risk diseases (integrated rescue system, epidemiologists, clinicians). It is also a suitable study material.