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Adnominal Valency Complementations Expressed by Prepositional Groups

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Prepositional groups represent the second most frequent form of valency complementations of Czech nouns (preceded only by prepositionless genitive). In this paper, we exploit the NomVallex lexicon which covers nouns belonging to three semantic classes, i.e.

Communication, Mental action and Psychological state. We show that adnominal prepositional groups are shared among these semantic classes to a large extent but their frequency differs.

A comparison between valency of nouns from NomVallex and valency of their base verbs from Vallex lexicon reveals that various non-systemic shifts in surface forms of participants exist between the verbal and adnominal prepositional groups. It also enables us to state a high ratio of non-systemic adnominal prepositional groups to all adnominal prepositional groups in the lexicon (not less than 39%).