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The actor - instrument alternation in a parallel Czech-English dependency treebank

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


This paper analyzes one type of valency structure difference in a bilingual, Czech-English valency lexicon and a parallel syntactically annotated treebank, namely the instances of Instrument-Subject Alternation, Abstract Cause-Subject Alternation and Locatum-Subject Alternation (Levin, 1993), roughly corresponding to three specific verb semantic classes. These alternations represent a problematic point of mutual alignment of valency structures in a parallel corpus and a bilingual valency lexicon because of the dual possible assignment of a semantic role to the position of a syntactic subject, and consequently, the dual interpretation of the deep-syntactic role of an actor.

As a result, two different interpretations arise, an agentive one and a non-agentive one, which collide in the syntactically annotated data. The conflict of the two intepretations influences substantially the semantic interpretation of the "target of evaluation" in constructions involving evaluative verbs in Sentiment Analysis tasks