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Jordanian Monarchy in the Shadow of British Empire: Rule of Abdallah I

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Under the Ottoman rule, most of Jordan was part of Syrian province. After the World War I, it belonged to Hashemite Kingdom of Syria, declared by Faiṣal I.

Following San Remo conference in April 1920, it became part of British Mandate for Palestine. According to Cairo conference of March 1921, Emirate of Transjordan was created with Faiṣal's brother ʽAbdullāh from Hashemite dynasty.

British control was secured by Arab Legion established in October 1923 and by Agreement of February 1928. Emir ʽAbdullāh was actively involved into the Middle Eastern politics by Greater Syria Project, intervention of Arab Legion in Anglo-Iraqi War and in Syria-Lebanon Campaign in 1941.

Treaty of Alliance of March 1946 enabled transformation of Transjordan into independent kingdom in May 1946. During the first Arab-Israeli War 1948 Arab Legion invaded Palestine together with other Arab states.

Following the war, king Abdullah annexed the West Bank of Jordan with eastern Jerusalem in April 1950 and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was declared. Era of King ʽAbdullāh I was closed by his assassination at the Al-Aqṣā Mosque in July 1951 by a Palestinian militant.