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Breeding of Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) in urban landscapes

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In the breeding season 2018 (March - September), the second (the first in 2017) monitoring of nesting possibilities and breeding success of Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) took place on 13 selected streams in Prague (Kunratický, Pitkovický, Botič, Rokytka, Litovicko - Šárecký, Dalejský, Radotínský, Zátišský, Libušský, Branický and Říčanský stream) and in the Central Bohemian region (Dobřejovický and Únětický stream). In total 119 potencial nesting walls were found on 220 km of streams.

In breeding season in 2017, only 9 nesting walls on the 4 streams were used for breeding of kingfishers, but in the breeding season in 2018, 14 nesting walls on the 5 streams were used for breeding of kingfishers. The breeding season in 2018 began earlier, because winter was favorable for kingfishers, there were not severe frosts ( which is probably the reason for more broods (clutch) and nestlings).

Number of broods in the breeding season in 2017 was only 14 (1 brood was failed), in the breeding season in 2018 was 26, but 7 broods were failed.