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Arnobius in historical Context and historical Contexts in Arnobius

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The paper aims to present a Christian author Arnobius of Sicca, that is relatively not much known in our country and who lived at the turn of the 3rd and 4th century in North African Sicca. Although Arnobius' apology Adversus nationes raises in the scholarly research still many questions and contradictions, and the author himself with his literary style, as well as with some doctrinal inconcreteness looks more like an habitual windbag than like a Christian apologist, he uncovers in his work a series of problems that can contribute to understanding the situation of Christianity just before the tolerance edict of the Emperor Constantine.

Proceeding from the testimony of ancient authors (Jerome) about Arnobius itself, and especially from the testimony of the author itself, ergo from the text of Adversus nationes, we shall try to analyze the historical influences that shaped Arnobius as author, the role and importance of the historical context in Arnobius' argumentation, the author's method of description and evaluation of historical events and his work with them.