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Intercultural Awareness and Intercultural Competence of Students in the Czech Education System

Publication at Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Arts |


This contribution highlights the fact that the analysis of intercultura lawareness and intercultural sensitivity should not be limited to an intragenerational perspective but should also include an intergenerational one. To put it differently, intercultural awareness, intercultural sensitivity and intercultural communicative competence are developed throughout one's life and are shaped by various factors, including informal and formal socialization and schooling practices, that in turn influence the development of social capital.

The sample related to the data collection was constituted on the basis of five dimensions, and the cultural awareness of Czech students at Czech secondary schools was measured. Items in the semi-structured questionnaire included statements such as, students are allowed to criticize their teachers, the laws apply to everyone (including rich and powerful), conflicts between students and teachers are natural, and your diploma determines your career and success, etc.

In the conclusion, data obtained by means of empirical research at several Czech secondary schools are compared to those publicly available regarding the economically active Czech population.