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I won't sell my soul (Soul as a value - on the ethical profile of soul in Czech)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The semantic structure of the Czech notion of DUŠE ('SOUL') comprises a physiological, psychical, social, ethical as well as spiritual (transcendental) profile. These profiles are very closely interconnected and in most of them, the soul is presented as an axiological notion, as a value.

The soul represents an existential value (similarly to e.g. life): in Czech, one takes an oath "on the soul" (na mou duši) or expresses one's devotion and affection with the phraseme dal by za někoho duši / život ('give one's soul or life for somebody'). The value aspect of the soul is reflected in language, in folklore as well as in belles-lettres and can also be observed in survey data from current Czech respondents (university students).

In the research, especially the songs by Czech folk singers and music groups are studied, influencing the cultural and social climate during the normalization period (1968 - 1989), such as Karel Kryl, Spiritual Kvintet etc. - The ethical profile of the soul, related to the distinction between the good and the evil in human actions, to personal responsibility of the moral code realization and to conscience (svědomí), is expressed not only in phraseology (often interchangeably with conscience or heart as in sáhnout někomu do duše / do svědomí 'reach into one's soul/conscience', leží mu to na duši / na svědomí / na srdci 'it burdens his soul/conscience/heart'). It also occurs in cultural narrations represented by phrasemes. such as upsat/zaprodat duši (ďáblu) 'sell one's soul (to the devil)'; the Faustian motif and its numerous variations are also frequently used in Czech culture, from folk puppet theatres to Vaclav Havel's Temptation.

In the research, the ethical profile of the SOUL concept is discussed, dealing both with the empirical data (questionnaires identifying this profile of the concept of soul in the awareness of university students), and with the text data, especially the songs by Czech folk singers and music groups influencing the cultural and social climate during the normalization period (1968 - 1989), such as Karel Kryl, Spiritual Kvintet etc.