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The legislative body in a people's democracy - The Interim National Assembly

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


After te liberation, the composition and functioning of the Parliament was to correspond with the changes in the political and party system. Under the conditions of the National Front, the National Assembly was given a palce similar to the one it held in the First Republic.

It carried out its legislative work as a confirmation of the general line and concrete decisions adopted elsewhere. Is position vis-a-vis the executive authorities was significantly weaker.

In spite of this, elements can be traced in the work of the National Assembly in the years 1945-1948 which were related to the specific features of the period (limited pluralism, non-existence of formal opposition). Thus, they informally increased its importance and understandably they arouse interest in its composition and functioning.

The Interim National Assembly operated under the conditions of a closed political system that could hardly have met the criteria required of a free, pluralistic parliamentary regime. In this way, since 1945, the Parliament has provided us with an opportunity to better understand tendencies, processses and certain events taking place outside the mainstream trends.