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Some public law aspects of the Energy Act Amendment for Contract Making

Publication at Faculty of Law |


This article is about to explain the impacts of some public law aspects of the Energy Act No. 458/2000 Coll., as amended, onto the private contracts in energy sectors as they are constructed and conclu-ded between energy entrepreneurs on one side and its customers on the other side. Chiefly, the custo-mers having the posítion of a weaker contractual party háve to be protected by law and those aspects of the specific protective legal regulation are under the scope of this text including the asymmetric construction of the relative invalidity or the institute of the last resort supplier.

Legal instruments as aforesaid are bindingly influenced and set down by the European union legislation, specifically by the so called Third liberalisation directives for electri-city as well as for gas industry and consequently transposed into the Czech legislativě framework with the aim to follow the necessary public interest on the duly competitive environment and protecti-on of household customers.