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Practical use and indications of transcranial direct current stimulation

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine |


Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a modality of biological treatment, which has recently received a considerable boom in popularity both in clinics and research. Its principles include a subtreshold modification of electric current in neurons, even though the effect is not limited to neural cells.

The method is economically reasonable, but the correct application requires certain operational knowledge. This review sums up recent studies and recommendations with regard to practical application and therapeutical indications, where this type of stimulation can be used effectively.

Aim: Clarification of practical application procedures and therapeutic protocols within tDCS and its potential in neuropsychiatric practice. Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of tDCS has been proven in patients with non-resistant depression, craving, and fibromyalgia with high recommendation and chronic neuropathic pain due to spinal cord injury with less recommendation; nevertheless, research efforts in other areas continue.