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Between Competion and Cooperation. Charles University and Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 1945-1969

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The book deals with the fundamental transformation of the higher education and scientific space in Czechoslovakia over almost 25 years after the WWII (1945-1969). The authors map the development of science and higher education from multiple perspectives but their key focus is on two leading institutions, both competetive and complementary within the system, the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the Charles University.

The book is divided into six chronological chapters (Background, 1918-1945; Between Continuity and Reform 1945-1948; Authoritarian Modernization and Stalinization 1948-1953; Building of the CSAS and a Crisis of Universities 1953-1959; CU and CSAS in 1959-1966; Finally Equal Partners? 1967-1969). The main topic of the book focuses on the mutual relationship between CU and the CSAS, raging from competition to cooperation.