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I quit smoking weed - the course and complications of providing care to a patient in internet-based environment. Case study of internet-based treatment intervention

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Cannabis use is widespread in the Czech Republic, cannabis drugs are the most commonly used illegal substance, with an estimate of 125 thousand people at high risk of problems associated with the use. There is a relatively high degree of social tolerance for cannabis use due to the less serious health and social complications, therefore, the contact with addictological services is more complicated for many reasons, for example, because of fear of stigmatization.

Internet-based treatment interventions (ILI) can be effective in overcoming barriers and facilitating access to the services. The presented case report describes the passage of a 34-year-old client, a mother of two children, through a structured intervention program at ILI ( from the first contact to the final session.

The case study illustrates the intervention program, including its limits and benefits.