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Effect of the Aerobics Body Express intervention program on muscle strength

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Aerobic exercise programs (aerobics) offer a range of physical activities for the general population. At present, the exercise is mainly focused on influencing and developing strength.

Plyometric exercises to strengthen the lower limbs are also included in aerobics. The selected Aerobics Body Express program (ABE) does not use any exercise aid, it is based only on strengthening with own body weight The goal of the study was to verify the efficiency of the ABE strength training program and to analyze its impact on three selected types of muscle strength (static, dynamic, plyometric) and on three muscle groups (upperlimbs, lowerlimbs, abdominal muscles).

The study involved 95 subjects aged 20 - 25. Our main method consisted in measurements provided by a battery of motor tests focusing on strength.

Based on the difference between the pretest and posttest measurements and using the Sign and Wilcoxon tests, we evaluated the change in a selected strength parameter and validated or refuted the effect of the ABE program. The testing took place during 3 years with the ABE program intervention lasting 3 months, once a week.

Measurement results for the experimental group showed statistically verifiable changes in all tests. A significant improvement occurred in both abdominal tests.

The upper limb strength and surprisingly plyometric strength of the lower limbs also scored a moderate improvement. Based on our results, we can conclude that the ABE program is effective even when applied once a week.