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Jewish Community in the Extreme Background of the Besieged Jerusalem

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This study analyzes selected classical Jewish texts dealing with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Temple. It concentrates upon the stories and legends ("aggadot ha-churban" in Hebrew) which deal with the suffering of the Jewish inhabitants living in the besieged Jerusalem during the attack of Babylonians resp.

Romans. The paper concentrates on the behavior of the Jewish community in the extreme atmosphere of war bringing death, massive suffering and threat of the further community existence or the existence of the nation as such.

In short, it firstly mentions general (non-Jewish) ancient as well as biblical texts. The second part focuses upon several texts from classical rabbinic literature with the emphasis on the story of Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai and his escape from the besieged Jerusalem comparing these stories how they appear in various literary sources.

The final part makes a conclusion it has given us a lesson for the present time. The selected texts speak for the people and community nowadays in both the time of war and peace.