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Hybrid imaging PET/MR in prostatic carcinoma

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Imaging of the own prostatic tissue is being not easy using standard tumour imaging approaches, contrast enhanced computed tomography and the hybrid imaging using PET/CT with the application of the18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose. Magnetic resonance imaging is useful in detection of the patients with the elevated prostatic specific antigen (PSA) and/or with the increased index of the health prostate index (PHI).

The novel imaging possibilities of the imaging is hybrid positron emission tomography - magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MR) with the application of18 F-fluorocholine (FCH),18 F-natriumfluoride (18 F-NaF) or68 Ga-PSMA-11 (ligand of prostatic specific membrane antigen) in detection, staging or restaging of the prostatic carcinoma. PET/MR represents current optimal method of the staging, restaging and therapy response evaluation of prostatic carcinoma. (C) 2018, Czech Medical Association J.E.

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