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The pilot plant named "Denitrification bed for nitrates elimination from groundwater" (realized as a utility sample in 2016 and tested in 2017) is a mobile vertically flowed filter that allows a simple optimization of a filter material and easy exchange of distribution and collection pipes. Pilot plant is realized in a container and is mounted with a distribution and collection pipes and filled with filtration material.

Collection pipes are made of 6 perforated KG pipes DN110 that are collected in one main collection pipe. From there the filtrated water flows into collection and sampling shaft DN200.that also ensures saturation and water level in the biofilter (height 1,25 cm).

Distribution pipes are made of PPR pipes DN25 and total length of 8m. The body of the filter is filled with filtration material that serve also as a carrier material for bacteria and as a source of the carbon for bacterial growth.

Filtration media is composed of the mixture of washed gravel fr. 4-8mm and birch woodchips fr. 4-30mm in volume ration 10:1. The pilot plant named "Denitrification bed for nitrates elimination from groundwater" (realized as a utility sample in 2016 and tested in 2017) is a mobile vertically flowed filter that allows a simple optimization of a filter material and easy exchange of distribution and collection pipes.

Pilot plant is realized in a container and is mounted with a distribution and collection pipes and filled with filtration material. Collection pipes are made of 6 perforated KG pipes DN110 that are collected in one main collection pipe.

From there the filtrated water flows into collection and sampling shaft DN200.that also ensures saturation and water level in the biofilter (height 1,25 cm). Distribution pipes are made of PPR pipes DN25 and total length of 8m.

The body of the filter is filled with filtration material that serve also as a carrier material for bacteria and as a source of the carbon for bacterial growth. Filtration media is composed of the mixture of washed gravel fr. 4-8mm and birch woodchips fr. 4-30mm in volume ration 10:1.

The pilot plant named "Denitrification bed for nitrates elimination from groundwater" (realized as a utility sample in 2016 and tested in 2017) is a mobile vertically flowed filter that allows a simple optimization of a filter material and easy exchange of distribution and collection pipes. Pilot plant is realized in a container and is mounted with a distribution and collection pipes and filled with filtration material.

Collection pipes are made of 6 perforated KG pipes DN110 that are collected in one main collection pipe. From there the filtrated water flows into collection and sampling shaft DN200.that also ensures saturation and water level in the biofilter (height 1,25 cm).

Distribution pipes are made of PPR pipes DN25 and total length of 8m. The body of the filter is filled with filtration material that serve also as a carrier material for bacteria and as a source of the carbon for bacterial growth.

Filtration media is composed of the mixture of washed gravel fr. 4-8mm and birch woodchips fr. 4-30mm in volume ration 10:1.