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Seeds and Fruits in Teaching Natural History



The theme is designed and developed as a teaching block of two-hour laboratory work for the sixth to seventh grades of elementary school and the corresponding years of multi-year gymnasiums for botany teaching. Pupils first state by brainstorming why plants produce seeds and fruits.

This activity takes the form of a snowball. Followed by work in groups, where students work with selected natural products.

Their task is to divide the submitted products into groups. The third activity is based on the pupils' ability to reflect on and analyze different types of seed and fruit transfer adaptations.

In the following task, pupils use their experience of using seeds and fruits in practice and learn to think in context. In the final task, pupils work with knowledge of domestic and imported fruits.

Followed by a joint summary of the work and control tasks. The time allocation of these activities varies depending on the number of pupils, the composition of the class and other circumstances.

The structure of activities can be adjusted according to the needs of the given class. The teaching block can be included in the framework of research-oriented teaching.