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The choice of embedding media affects image quality, tissue R2*, and susceptibility behaviors in post-mortem brain MR microscopy at 7.0T

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Purpose: The quality and precision of post-mortem MRI microscopy may vary depending on the embedding medium used. To investigate this, our study evaluated the impact of 5 widely used media on: (1) image quality, (2) contrast of high spatial resolution gradient-echo (T-1 and T-2(*)-weighted) MR images, (3) effective transverse relaxation rate (R-2(*)), and (4) quantitative susceptibility measurements (QSM) of post-mortem brain specimens.

Methods: Five formaldehyde-fixed brain slices were scanned using 7.0T MRI in: (1) formaldehyde solution (formalin), (2) phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), (3) deuterium oxide (D2O), (4) perfluoropolyether (Galden), and (5) agarose gel. SNR and contrast-to-noise ratii (SNR/CNR) were calculated for cortex/white matter (WM) and basal ganglia/WM regions.

In addition, median R-2* and QSM values were extracted from caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, WM, and cortical regions. Results: PBS, Galden, and agarose returned higher SNR/CNR compared to formalin and D2O.

Formalin fixation, and its use as embedding medium for scanning, increased tissue R-2*. Imaging with agarose, D2O, and Galden returned lower R-2* values than PBS (and formalin).

No major QSM offsets were observed, although spatial variance was increased (with respect to R-2* behaviors) for formalin and agarose. Conclusions: Embedding media affect gradient-echo image quality, R-2*, and QSM in differing ways.

In this study, PBS embedding was identified as the most stable experimental setup, although by a small margin. Agarose and Galden were preferred to formalin or D2O embedding.

Formalin significantly increased R-2* causing noisier data and increased QSM variance.