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Occupational exposure to isocyanates in West Bohemian region

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Introduction: Isocyanates are chemical substances which contain so called isocyanate functional group- i.e. R-N=C=O.

An organic compound with two isocyanate groups is known as a diisocyanate. Diisocyanates are used in reaction with polyhydric alcohols to produce polyurethanes, which are the most massively manufactured polymers, the production of those is more than 10 million tons per year.

Polyurethanes are used in automobile industry- components made of them lower the noise in cars, but we can find them also in car seats, steering wheels, these components are worked with directly in the factory where construction takes place. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate health risks of occupational exposure to isocyanates among the workers in West Bohemia.

Method: Research file of this retrospective study is a group of workers, who were examined at Department of Occupational medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague and diagnosed with occupational disease caused by isocyanates. Reported period is between years 1996-2017, 22 years altogether.

There is 197 workers in the group, in which were found isocyanate induced occupational diseases such as acute intoxication during industry accident and chronic diseases as asthma bronchiale and exogenous allergic alveolitis. The group of workers contained 95 men and 102 women.

Results: In reported group of 197 workers was average year of diagnosis of occupational disease 44,71 years, average time of exposure was 4,97 years. 178 persons of this group worked by the same employer (in these cases were all workers manufacturing components in car industry). Asthma bronchiale was diagnosed in 161 persons, 74 men and 87 women, first occupational disease in this group was diagnosed in 1999, increase of health risk was in the year 2008, when there was new production hall and line to manufacture anti-noise car components built.

In the time period between 1996-2017 were diagnosed 158 workers with occupational asthma bronchiale by this employer, the disease was found in 70 men and 88 women in this factory. Exogenous allergic alveolitis induced by isocyanates was found by 27 workers, 15 men and 12 women.

Conclusions: Conclusion of retrospective study shows us definite employer in West Bohemia region, where was in reported period diagnosed 178 occupational diseases, of which were 158 asthma bronchiale. Unfortunately in reported period was'nt decrease in new diagnosed occupational diseases in this factory.

We achieved to provide superior health examination in employee health screening checks in this company. Construction adjustments and in particular separating risky work places into smaller workrooms wasn't achievable.