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Stimuli used in the measurement of problematic sexual interests

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Penile plethysmography (PPG) is the primary physiologic assessment method used to gauge sexual responses in adult men. Depending on the country or jurisdiction of assessment, stimuli used to elicit arousal can include videos, still images, and audio materials.

It can depict a variety consenting and non-consenting sexual scenarios as well as neutral, non-sexual scenarios. Models in visual stimuli can be clothed, semi-clothed, or nude.

Variation in stimuli modality and the type of sexual interest being tested can have a large impact on PPG outcomes. This paper reviews research on types of PPG stimuli, the different sexual interests being assessed, reliability and validity, and the impact of anonymizing models depicted in assessment materials.

Innovations in stimuli development in three labs located in Canada, the United States, and the Czech Republic are also discussed. The work done in these three labs and the broader range of research on assessment stimuli are presented to highlight the need for a unified, multi-site, standardized approach to assess problematic sexual interests and their change in response to treatment.