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Reflection of Slovak Literature in Czech Culture After the Year 2000

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This study is dedicated to the assessment of Slovak literature in Czech periodicals between the year 2000 and 2019. The chosen literary periodicals are heterogeneous.

This means that periodicals fulfilling varying roles in Czech culture appear alongside each other, from strictly literary publications to social and cultural magazines. These include Host from Brno, A2, Tvar and Literární noviny from Prague as well as a regional magazine with a long tradition (from 1996) called Texty.

The online source available at, in which Slovak literature has a consistent place, proved itself to be a suitable supplement to these printed sources. We may follow a representative assessment of the development of Slovak literary theory or literary history in strictly academic publications such as Česká literatura or Slavia - časopis pro slovanskou filologii.

All the aforementioned periodicals present a rich field of materials, from which we may garner a literary and critical assessment of Slovak literature through reviews, micro-reviews, author spotlights, original Slovak poetry and prose, and also academic studies and articles on Slovak literature. The strategies of the editors-in-chief of the aforementioned publications are diverse.

The only thing they have in a common is the lack of consistency and systematicness in their explorations of our closest culture and its literary traditions.