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Grading skiing alphabet for younger school children

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Some elementary schools, mainly in regions close to mountains, include teaching of skiing of younger (7-10 years) school children. Children at this age quickly learn new motor skills and have no restraints from not being able to do some things which is quite often with older children.

There are two main methods of teaching skiing of beginners - with parallel ski position and with stemmed ski position. The choice of method depends mainly on the type and preparation of slope and quality of snow.

Another important criterium is level of motor skills of children. Suitable method of teaching can be chosen according to a success rate in completing skills which are part of grading skiing alphabet.

The skills are - fixing the boot into a binding, getting into a basic skiing position, alternating lifting of right and left ski, lifting of skis with hold, turns, movement to a cone and "scooter".