Introduction of methods of intensive monitoring and markedly increased yields of imaging methods contributed to a revival of neurosurgical solutions of uncontrollable epilepsy. The greatest hope of recovery is in patients suffering from mesiotemporal - limbic epilepsy (MTLE), in particular when hippocampal sclerosis is present.
Experimental and clinical experience revealed that this type of epilepsy is at the same time the ideal model for the understanding of epilepsy as the dynamic process comprising various age-dependent stages of epileptogenesis. For the syndrome of MTLE a more frequent prevalence of complicated febrile seizures or other risk factors in early childhood is typical; The first partial complex seizures develop as a rule at the end of the first decade and before the second decade and become refractory to treatment.
Therefore its is essential to attempt active identification of these patients; it is essential to give them a detailed examination by specialized methods of magnetic resonance and indicated cases early surgery is essential.