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Reading in Relations: Deconstruction, Semiology, Semiotics, Semeiotics and the Irony of Sign Theory History

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


This chapter is to be a controversy with selected aspects of the philosophy of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004). The aim here is to critically discuss Derrida's interpretation of the general sign theory and of the project of sign theory history, which is presented mainly in his work "About Grammatology" ([O Gramatologii] Derrida, 1999).

Deconstructive way of reading presented by Derrida shown up several disparate theses in theories that were regarded as complex. But looking at concrete cases discussed in the text (Aristotle, Peirce), we can find that this way of reading exhibits internal and almost irresistible limits, which are justified by the theory of deconstruction itself.

This, besides others, makes deconstructive way of reading absolutely inaddmissible in the--by Derrida criticized--academic field.