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From the Gospel to the Gospels. History, Theology and Impact of the Biblical Term "euangelion"

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


From the Gospel to the Gospels deals with History, Theology and Impact of the Biblical Term "euangelion".The methodology of the monograph is based on an investigation of the semantics, literary function, and historical role of the Greek term Gospel (euangelion) in relation to its Hebrew equivalents. Three basic meanings of the term are analysed: (a) Jesus' announcement of the "kingdom of God", (b) the post-Easter proclamation of the Christian faith by his followers, and (c) literary forms.

The author shows that these three meanings follow on from one another and connect together (a) Jesus' "historical ministry", (b) his re-interpretation in the movement of his followers, and (c) his systematic presentation in the form of writings in a specific literary genre. The author analyses this process and traces it up to the establishment of the canonical gospels and the emergence of the Christian canon of Scripture.

The most significant result of this investigation is the fact that the genesis of the literary gospels (the return to the historical Jesus) gave rise to a reaction in the emerging Christian movement that prevented an uncontrolled development of post-Easter enthusiasm and established Jesus' words and standpoints as the permanent yardstick for all Christian activity.