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The same tasks but different ways to solve social problem by cooperation between NGOs and local government Comparative analyses for the Czech and Polish experiences (for homelessness problem)

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, solving many social issues has become the domain of self-government administration, including social assistance. At the same time, due to the expansion and strengthening of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sector in Poland and the Czech Republic, there is a growing tendency to change roles in the social assistance implemented to date.

It is directed in cooperation of local government administration with non-governmental organizations. The aim of the article will be to show how the cooperation of territorial self-government with non-governmental organizations looks like in the scope of solving critical social problems especially the problem of homelessness.

It is worth emphasizing that after sports and culture - social assistance is the most frequent field of activity of non-governmental organizations in Poland. An interesting issue is also the quality of this cooperation as well as the effectiveness, for example in combating homelessness and various barriers for people with disabilities and without shelters.

In Czech Republic, in 2013, a group of experts on tackling homeless issue in cooperation with the commission for social inclusion which works under the ministry of labor and social affairs have worked on drafting a concept of preventing and tackling homelessness issues until 2020. The data collection is done through in-depth interviews in both countries.

The data collected shows the cooperation between the local governments in both countries and the NGOs to handle the issue of homelessness and provide service to them.