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Functional morphology of the cerebellum - known or unknown?

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


The cerebellum is a small structure of the brain extremely rich in neurons. In addition to movement coordination and motor learning, the cerebellum is recently related to many other functions including cognitive, sensory and emotional processes and control of behaviour.

Its detailed structure on the level of characteristics of individual neuronal types and their synaptic interconnections are not completely known. It seems that individual types of neurons as know from textbooks are in fact very heterogeneous populations of cells with variable receptor, transmitter, and enzymatic equipment.

The structure of the cerebellum and its basal functional circuitries have a very complicated but in rough features stereotypic modular organization. It is probably related to principles of signal processing and response generation in the cerebellum.

Number of cell types, intermediate types and subtypes detailed characteristic features of which remain unknown make deeper understanding of cerebellar functions difficult. New findings break down traditional ideas and many potential explanations remain at the level of theoretical concepts.

The aim of this article is to provide at least basal overview of the functional morphology of the cerebellum.