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The "Old Good Times" as a Topos in Czech Spanking Pornography in 2000s

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The contribution focuses on analyzing the "old good times" topos in so-called spanking pornography. We analyze particular examples of movies produced by Czech company Lupus Pictures which was made mostly in the beginning of 2000s.

Frequentative using of historical motives is one of the characteristic features of works of this company. We will especially follow the function of nostalgia in such fetishistic pornography and its meaning for subculture which is related to this kind of pornographical production.We would like to focus mainly on following questions: - in which way is the nostalgical image of the past established in such movies? - what is its relation to similary presentations in mainstream culture? - what is the role of nostalgia in formation of the general imaginarium of this genre? - what is the relation between nostalgia and presented fetish? - what is the role of nostalgia in context of elementary function of the pornography which is moderation of sexual arousal? - to what extent do the nostalgical topoi are constitutive elements of the spanking subculture?