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A Preliminary Report about an Early Bronze Age Hillfort in Plaňany, Kolín District

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In 2017-2018 a rescue excavation which was carried out in a new quarry deposit in Plaňany identified components of the Linear Pottery culture and the Late Halstatt period/Early La Tène period but in the first place also the remains of a fortification constructed by the people of the Únětice culture during the Early Bronze Age. In this way, the hypothesis formulated earlier by M.

Vávra based on his observations made during the construction of a water pipe line from Plaňany to Radim in 1996 was confirmed. At that time M.

Vávra speculated about the existence of a so-far unknown hillfort at the site of "Na Černé", on the border between the cadastral areas of Plaňany, Radim and Vrbčany. However, in contrast to his original assumptions, the fortified area was somewhat larger.

The excavation also identified a narrow gate on the southern slope of the hill which was probably used by individual persons rather than by carriages. It is so-far not clear if this fortification system can be considered as a fortification of the hillfort in the true sense of the word, or if it rather was a site serving as a local refuge.

This can perhaps be proven by a future non-destructive survey of the fortification's remains, especially by geophysical measurements.