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Jedna hrobka ve dvou dynastiích. Předběžná zpráva o výzkumu mastaby AS 104 v jižním Abúsíru

Publikace na Filozofická fakulta |


Zpráva o výzkumu nové hrobky tzv. přechodného typu z jižního Abúsíru. Publikována je archeologie hrobky a nálezy, hrobka byla datována do 4. dynastie, s pozdějším použitím v 5. dynastii i později.

The name of the tomb owner and his most important title property custodian of the king were preserved on an offering basin and a wooden panel in western wall of the chapel (with a shortened form as Ishet). What concerns the dating, the mastaba was constructed in the early Fourth Dynasty.

However, at the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty (the reign of Neferirkare) it was reused and a stela of scribe of Treasury Sekhemka and his consort Henutsen were added, together with four limestone offering basins found in situ in the corridor.