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A New Insight into the Stereoelectronic Control of the Pd-0-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution: Application for the Synthesis of Multisubstituted Pyran-2-ones via an Unusual 1,3-Transposition

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Pyran-2-ones 3 undergo a novel Pd-0-catalyzed 1,3-rearrangement to afford isomers 6. The reaction proceeds via an eta(2)-Pd complex, the pyramidalization of which (confirmed by quantum chemistry calculations) offers a favorable antiperiplanar alignment of the Pd-C and allylic C-O bonds (C), thus allowing the formation of an eta(3)-Pd intermediate.

Subsequent rotation and rate-limiting recombination with the carboxylate arm then gives isomeric pyran-2-ones 6. The calculated free energies reproduce the observed kinetics semi-quantitatively.