Homelessness is a topic that includes gender perspectives. In European countries, several authors have already pointed this out.
The reasons why women find themselves in a situation of homelessness differ in many aspects from the reasons that lead to homelessness of men. However, the experience of homelessness among women is often underestimated.
In a broader context, women's homelessness refers to social mechanisms inequalities that affect even women who are not marginalized. However, factors such as discrimination on the labor market based on sex and age, various forms of violence, indebtedness, etc. are mostly the reason for marginalized women in the situation of homelessness, respectively. which makes it difficult for them to break out of such a situation later.
A specific category is covert homelessness, which affects women. It has many forms, many of which are not visible in the public space (in a material or immaterial sense).
How does the homelessness of women in public space manifest itself? How do homeless women get overlooked? Conversely, what is their visibility in the context of homelessness? The paper is based on ethnographic research, which was carried out in the period 2012 - 2017 in three geographically different terrains in the Czech and Slovak Republics. It will focus on the presentation of the specifics of homelessness of women, concrete strategies of their behavior and possibilities of solving the issue with the participation of social anthropologists and anthropologists.