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Secular changes in body composition, fat distribution and physical activity in Czech children

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education |


Changes of lifestyle resulted also in in the changes of growth profile and morphological parameters of individuals. The increase of the prevalence of overweight and obesity in present populations is negatively reflected also in general somatic development of children and adolescents.

Increased body weight overloads growth discs of long bones, influences negatively the development of vertebral column and long bones of the extremities. Enhanced deposition of adipose tissue changes the start and development of puberty due to its hormonal activity.

Recent results indicate a modified new trend. Significantly increased adiposity along with unchanged BMI within normal weight proporcio-nality was revealed already in preschool children.

So called latent obesity escapes attention in normal clinical praxis. Negative metabolic impact of excess amount of adipose tissue demonstrates however comparable risk of the development and manifestation of comorbidities, simarly as in obvious marked obesity.

Therefore, in addition to an adequate nutrition an active intervention and support of physical activity of children, best with the assistance of the motivation of the whole family including the mother during pregnancy should be implemented. Adequate and satisfactory spontabeous physical activity, education and exercise, namely during preschool age, is an indispensable component of lifestyle aiming to healthy and harmonious development during growth, which determines also the quality of the following life until old age.