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Artwork in Educational Process

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The presented paper mainly addresses the process of artwork interpretation in art education. Attention is paid to the didactic transformation by which the artwork becomes the subject of education.

This process is explored in the relationship between the students/viewers, the teachers/art educators and the unique artwork itself. The process of artwork interpretation is analysed in a concrete teaching situation in which students are placed at the centre of their learning experiences (the subordination of teaching to learning).

The paper is based on the results of two studies exploring the use of art in art education. In both studies, the crucial question is: What is the space for students' voices, their empirical viewership and their critical thinking in art education? The research outcomes also reflect the field discourse of art education didactics, especially in relation to functional visual literacy.

Visual studies, constructivistic pedagogy and the theory of art education are the discourses that guide the theoretical framework of the research.