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Fragments of memory in new digital environment

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In my research, I am focusing the transition of (collective) memory in digital environments. I am especially interested in the new meanings ascribed to the traditional sites of memory.

This is the reason I am researching platforms that enable users to perform their interpretation of memory, like Pinterest, Instagram or TripAdvisor. In proposing paper, I will present results of my research with stress on the classification of the fragments of memories that we are facing in these digital environments.

I am asking, how the narratives are transforming. I suppose that the older (national) realms are weaker.

What is the influence of the international language of cultural trauma and respect to suffering that plays important role in the exhibitions dedicated to genocides worldwide? Are the new narratives emerging? I am focusing especially the nodes, where the digital and physical environments are transmitting. For example, users of TripAdvisor are describing their physical experience from the memorial.

Significant is also use of digital formed language, like 'worth to visit' on travellers websites, or the stress on visuality in communication that is co-created by Instagram. Starting point of my research are Czech sites of memory (Lidice, Terezín), but I follow also the interplay of international references and links.

My paper should be the contribution to the dialogue about the memory in digital environments (A. Hoskins, W.

Kansteiner, etc.). We are discussing not only the future of memory that definitely depends on digital environments, but also the future of memory studies.