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The relation of language and communication in Czech-Slovak-Polish didactic reflection

Publication at Faculty of Education |


For L1 didactics, the relation of language and communication represents a central topic. As the monograph shows, it is not central only for the didactics of Czech, but also for languages that are closest to Czech, i.e.

Polish and Slovak. Futhermore, as one of the chapters shows, it is topical for many other languages all around the world.

The question of the relation represents a key problem in terms of the quality of L1 teaching, creating the learning and teaching environment, and so the overall fulfilling of the L1 teaching aims. Not only in Czech school, but also elsewhere in the world it is evident that the didactic solutions of the relation between language and communication are not at all easy.

The connection of experts in L1 teaching from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland - countries that are close in terms of language, history, culture and social aspects - gives the reader the chance of a contrastive and really complex view into the problem concerned. As the basic solution to the problems that teaching Czech, Slovak and Polish - but also other first languages - faces, the authors offer a systematic communicative-functional approach, whose elaboration is the fundament of the whole book.