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Zákon a pořádek. Úvod do trestního práva království Čosǒn

Publication at Faculty of Arts |

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Chinese legal tradition greatly influenced the legal system of the Korean Kingdom of Chosǒn because of its historical and political proximity. Chosǒn adopted Ming's administrative and legal framework and three years after its establishment in 1392 selected the Great Ming Code as the main penal code of the kingdom.

However, the criminal system of the two states was not identical, and the differentiation has been increasing over the centuries. This article aims to initiate into the criminal law and its development during the Chosǒn period.

It will present the criminal system of the Great Ming Code and the process of its adaptation in Chosǒn, the use of the Five Punishments and varieties of penal punishments in Chosǒn Korea. Furthermore, it will detail Chosǒn's legal codes such as Kyǒngguk Täjǒn, Sok täjǒn, and Täjǒn t'ongpyǒn and point out the main characteristics of Korean legal tradition.