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Measurement of the charge collection in irradiated miniature sensors for the upgrade of the ATLAS phase-II strip tracker

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Miniature sensors with external dimensions of 10 mm x 10 mm were produced together with full-size sensors for the innermost ring (R0) of the end-cap part in the upgraded ATLAS inner tracker (ITk). AC- and DC-coupled n-type strips with three different pitches (wide, default and narrow) were processed on high-resistivity p-type FZ silicon substrates by Hamamatsu Photonics.

The miniature sensors were irradiated with 70-MeV protons at CYRIC, Tohoku University (Japan) and reactor neutrons at the Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) to three different 1-MeV neutron equivalent fluences: 0.5, 1 and 2 x 10(15) n(eq) cm(-2). The upper fluence range exceeds the highest anticipated in the innermost part of the ATLAS ITk-Strips over the HL-LHC lifetime (similar to 1.25 x 10(15) n(eq) cm(2)).

The charge collection in the test sensors was evaluated systematically using a Sr-90 beta-source and an Alibava analogue readout system at reverse-bias voltages up to 1000 V.