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Proximal femoral fractures

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Proximal femoral fractures are a neverending topic of traumatology. The treatment of hip fractures is a daily concern in departments dealing with musculoskeletal injuries.

After all, the lifetime risk of these fractures in developed countries is close to 50% in women and 20% in men. Today, it is without doubt that surgical intervention is associated with a much better prognosis and that a perfect procedure gives our patients the best chance for restoration of preinjury activities.

However, the advanced age of the majority of these patients contributes to many factors that have a significant impact on the final outcome of these injuries. Therefore, we deal not only with the medical issues but also with the social and economic ones.

Apart from a modern surgical approach to the treatment of hip fractures, this book also offers a detailed knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics of the hip joint, current information about osteoporosis prophylaxis and treatment, fracture diagnostics, anesthesiological and intensive care principles in perioperative period, the most common complications including their treatment, as well as postoperative physiotherapy.