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Influence of an Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Phase Coherence Length on the Conductivity of Magnetic Topological Insulators

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Magnetotransport constitutes a useful probe to understand the interplay between electronic band topology and magnetism in spintronic devices. A recent theory of Lu and Shen [Phys.

Rev. Lett. 112, 146601 (2014)] on magnetically doped topological insulators predicts that quantum corrections Delta kappa to the temperature dependence of conductivity can change sign across the Curie transition.

This phenomenon has been attributed to a suppression of the Berry phase of the topological surface states at the Fermi level, caused by a magnetic energy gap. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that Delta kappa can reverse its sign even when the Berry phase at the Fermi level remains unchanged.

The contradictory behavior to theory predictions is resolved by extending the model by Lu and Shen to a nonmonotonic temperature scaling of the inelastic scattering length showing a turning point at the Curie transition.