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New 40Ar/39Ar, fission track and sedimentological data on a middle Miocene tuff layer occurring in the Vienna Basin: Implications for the north-western Central Paratethys region

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The Kuchyňa tuff is found on the Eastern margin of the Vienna Basin and was formed by felsic, possibly phreatomagmatic volcanism. The Ar/Ar single grain sanidine method was applied and resulted in an age of 15.23 +- 0.04 Ma, which can be interpreted as the age of the eruption.

The obtained numerical age is in accordance with the subtropical climate inferred by the presence of fossil leaves that originated in an evergreen broadleaved forest. Furthermore, the described volcanism was connected with the syn-rift stage of the back-arc Pannonian Basin system.

The sedimentological data from the underlying sandy mudstones indicate alluvial environment what confirms terrestrial conditions during deposition. Moreover, the tuff deposition probably occurred shortly before the Badenian transgression of the Central Paratethys Sea.