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Madelung's disease - a case report

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Madelung's disease - rare illness manifested by the uncontrollable proliferation of unencapsulated adipose tissue which accumulates symmetrically in the hypodermis in the area of the neck, shoulders, back and thighs. As a part of differential diagnosis it is necessary to investigate tumours in the area of the neck, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, Cushing's syndrome and rare lipomatosis.

In the case report, the autors present the case of male patient with a large formation on the neck, trunk and the scrotal area. A suspicion of liposarcoma was expressed based on the imaging examinations performed.

The dig. Of Madelung's disease is based on the clinical findings, imaging and biopsy examination.

Laboratory methods tend to focus rather on associated internal diseases. Treatment is only symptomatic and consists in surgical removal of the loci.

However, i tis often associated with the risk of recurrence.