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Region, age and availability of health services: the case of general practice in Czechia

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The important factors affecting the availability of health services include the age structure of the population and the providers of these services. The aim of the poster is to find out where the greatest potential problems are currently facing with ensuring the availability of a selected segment of health services in individual regions of the Czech Republic with regard to the aging population and doctors.

The selected segment is the general practitioner expertise. Data for the analyzed year 2015 were obtained from the CZSO and GHIC CR.

The main prerequisite of the work is that areas with higher representation of older persons and higher representation of older doctors may face potentially greater problems in ensuring adequate health care. For this purpose, a typology of so-called catchment regions was created from which potentially risk areas can be defined.

One of the findings is that these potentially endangered regions cannot be unequivocally identified within the polarity of townXvenkov, but rather it is a problem of individual localities in Czechia.