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High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy in the Treatment of Early Stages of Penile Carcinoma

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Interstitial low dose rate brachytherapy is established organ sparing treatment of T1-T2 penile carcinoma. Experience with high-dose rate brachytherapy is limited in this indication.

Twenty-six patients with early penile carcinoma were treated by high-dose rate brachytherapy at dose 18x3 Gy per fraction twice daily between 2002-2018 at the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, University Hospital in Hradec Kralove. Breast interstitial brachytherapy template was used for fixation and precise geometry reconstruction of stainless hollow needles.

Hyperfractionated interstitial high-dose rate brachytherapy with 18x3 Gy per fraction twice daily is a promising method in selected patients with penile carcinoma and deserves further evaluation in a larger prospective study.